Emu Oil: For your dogs joint problem

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“My dog developed a skin allergy and I couldn’t get him to the Vet for a couple of days! Researched and found Emu oil is safe and effective on animals with skin allergies, rashes and wounds, and safe if they lick it. Has natural anti-inflammatory properties. When I put this on my dog, he immediately stopped scratching and it calmed his skin, and redness went down some.“ 

Happy Customer – Amazon.com

Does your pet have aches and pains?

Pro-Emu Emu oil is 100% natural and provides natural remedy to many skin and health issues which your dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits or even livestock may have.

Our Emu oil helps relieve your pet’s joint and muscle pain, especially arthritis symptoms and best of all it is completely natural and safe to use and may be used liberally if needed. But just a little goes a long way.

The oil can also be used as a dietary supplement. Just add a small amount of oil into their food to help ease pain and joint conditions . Emu Oil will also increases your pets energy too. 

When muscle or joint pain strikes to take toll on your furry friend. Don’t medicate your animals, instead see how Emu Oil can help. Best of all there are no side effects like many medications have.

Emu Oil safely penetrates into your pets joints and offers quick relief.  It helps decrease inflammation, ease muscle pain,and arthritic joint pain. Once applied, the fatty acids found in Emu oil go to work to reduces soreness on the joints and brings fast relief to your pet.

Why we recommend Emu Oil for your pet

Emu Emu Oil is a natural, non toxic, non comedogenic (doesn’t clog the pores), hypoallergenic oil that’s gentle to apply on all areas.  Not only does Emu Oil offers rapid topical relief from aching joints and sore muscles – it’s all natural, deep penetrating, soothing oil that’s odorless and easy to apply.  Simply rub it onto the affected areas. There’s no cold or hot feeling and your pet will appreciate the quick relief.

It possesses anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties – Animals, like humans, experience arthritis, joint stiffness, and muscle pain. Emu oil, when rubbed on your pet’s body, releases anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce pain and loosen stiffness thus helping mobility.

I can also help lame joints – Emu oil has been known to help lame joints in animals including, cats, dogs, horses and birds. It reduces the inflammation and soreness on the joints that the pet is experiencing. So, applications of Emu oil based products help joints much.

Emu Oil Benefits

This product contains these key benefits:

Vitamin E and A: Both are antioxidants and essential nutritional supplements. They are both anti-inflammation and skin healers.

Omega 3, 6 and 9: Emu oil is high in these fatty acids, which are responsible for relieving pains and inflammation. They are also responsible for repairing skin and tissue that has been damaged.

    Essential fatty acids: Emu oil is high in omega-3, omega 6, and omega-9 fatty acids. These help reduce inflammation, ease muscular pain, and arthritic joint pain. They may also help relieve signs of wrinkles, scars, and blemishes by nourishing the skin cells. These fatty acids are vitally responsible for restoring moisture and replenishing damaged tissues and skin.    Vitamin A: An antioxidant and essential nutrient, vitamin A is an excellent skin tonic.    Additional compounds like carotenoids, flavones, polyphenols, tocopherol, and phospholipids.

Pro-Emu Emu Oil relieve many pet symptoms 

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******Do not be fooled by additional Emu Oil that isn’t AEA (American Emu Association) accredited. Pro-Emu Emu Oil is a natural, non toxic, non-comedogenic (doesn’t clog the pores), hypoallergenic oil that’s gentle on your pet. Choose from 2-8 oz sizes.*******

Reasons why Pro-Emu Emu Oil can benefit your pet

Emu Oil also  has anti inflammatory and anti fungal properties: Does your pet have arthritis, joint stiffness, and muscle strain. Pro-Emu Emu oil, when rubbed into their joints, will release anti-inflammatory properties that help decrease pain and loosen stiffness thereby relieving your pet.  It’s safe:  Emu oil is natural and doesn’t include any toxins. While prescription products can mask your symptoms instead of relieve them causing long-term side effects.


Pro-Emu Emu Oil

  • AEA Certified Pure Emu Oil – Rich in Omega 3 & 6
  • Vitamin E (.00022%) used as an antioxidant
  • eercastNo Added Chemicals

Pro-Emu Emu Oil will bring relief

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Emu Oil offers deep penetrating relief to aching joints and sore muscles: Overwork, daily action, arthritis and pain that can be brought on by age or breed can be alleviated with this natural alternative. Because of the special properties of emu oil, this oil brings relief to your pet very quickly.

There is no greasiness or odor like many other products available on the market. It’s extremely powerful and quick acting on muscles that are sore.  


  • Moisturizes skin and absorbs easily
  • eercastNO Odor
  • eercastNon-Staining
  • Relieves arthritic pain (Anti-inflammatory)
  • eercastRelieves skin irritations and rashes
  • eercastPrevents and heals ringworm
  • eercastHeals wounds, cuts, or burns
  • eercastBug repellent
  • eercastTreats ulcers
  • eercastHelps control irritated/inflamed skin
  • eercast Softens dry or cracked paws
  • NO Oiliness/Greasiness
  • eercastNO Odor
  • eercastSilky and creamy in texture
  • eercastNon-Staining
  • eercastUnlike oral pain relievers, no stomach side effects 
  • eercastReduces swelling
  • eercastGives quick, deep relief to swollen or painful joints and muscles
  • eercastWorks immediately after one use
  • eercastAnd much much more!

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Happy Customer – Amazon.com

“Bought this (Pro-Emu Muscle and Joint Cream) on my brother’s recommendation for our mother who has constant pain in her back and shoulder. She said, “yes, it really helps.” She keeps it with her all the time. I was nailing some siding up at very odd angles and my wrist started hurting like with carpal tunnel. I rubbed a little on my wrist and the pain stopped immediately. I already order more.“

Happy Customer – Amazon.com

“Well, I woke up with a big pain in my rotor cups, I did a rub with this (Pro-Emu Emu Oil) oil, not expecting anything, but after 10 minutes,the pain disappeared. Thank you very much. I am using it too, to erase the fine lines under my eyes. Is working.“ 

Happy Customer – Amazon.com

“This Product (Pro-Emu Muscle and Joint Cream) is AMAZING. I am so in love with this stuff! I do Roller Derby and occasionally will land wrong on my knees and the next day my muscles are pulling and it hurts where im not able to walk without my legs giving out, i put a thin layer of this on and instantly i feel my muscle relaxing and im able to walk. I bought this for my grandmas arthritis and it helps a lot. HIGHLY recommend its a small bottle but all you need is a little bit. i have shared this product with friends and got my boss to buy it for her mom who gives it 5 stars too!“ 

Happy Customer – Amazon.com